Stephan Gultom Going To School

Waaw,,, that is great day while we see Stephan is going to school. His age was three and half years while he’s going to school, his class is Play Group. The student in his class now become three pupils including Stephan. And he seems to be so happy while he is going to school. Learn and play is the basic majoring in play group class, especially for the fun side.

Stephan Karaoke


The best parts from school actually is the school vacation, because Stephan can play all the whole days with out learn and studying like in play group. It just, when Stephan forget to day nap, he will be ill because his health need rest everyday.

Stephan Gultom

Stephan Gultom-Swimming

Vacation in Lembang, Bandung was a momentum moment for Stephan, because at the time he can sing with his Mama at karaoke. La,, la,,, la,,, his voice so excited and singing duet with his Mama.

Stephan Gultom-Pasar ApungHis brother Samuel Gultom, now in third class, and have a different story as well if talking about school and class activity.

Samuel Gultom - Studying

Samuel Gultom – Studying at his desk

Stephan Gultom Gaming

Stephan Gultom – Gaming

All Gultom’s brother activities will be carry on story later, there is so many activities that can be sharing next post.

Enjoy the day from Gultom’s brother.


Samuel Gultom-Toddler

Image of Samuel Gultom

Samuel Gultom

I was born in Pontianak, West Kalimantan 12 September 2006. Now, I am six and seven months old now, and already my first grade in elementary school. I love school, playing and studying at the same time. When I was a toddler, I love laughs, playing and singing.

I always laughs,,,even I enjoy it… My Dad always tell me that laugh is a better medicine,,,so if I laughs,,I’ve got a better medicine.. It will strenght my heart, and give me a fresh simulation in my body.. Well,, I lauhghs louder and fell free for my self,, after all I am just a little baby..

Of course I am crying too,,, that’s natural isn’t it… nothing wrong with crying… at night, that the time I used to cry… there are so many reason to make me cry,,, pissing, bite by ant, mosquito or when I feel sad if I haven’t found my parent beside me,,,

He,, he,, he,,, fell free at any time by laughing…………….

I always communicate with my Dad and Mom.. I like to hearing while they are talking each other ,, especially when the topic is about me,,, wouuu,,,, it make me very happy,,, there is such no word to describe my happiness about that…

Dial my Dad’s number was my favorite phone number,,, even I make that number as a speed dial,,, Well.. my Mom always keep me aware about using my phone,,, c’os I always push the wrong button in order to speed dial my Dad… by doing that mistake,,, I always dial someane else number,,, that make my mom busy to answer the call back from the number…

My Dad has the answer for that mistake,,, he only set up my phone only two number,,,, first my Dad’s and the second my Mom’s… Yeah,,, that’s fix the problem,,, so I always dial directly to my parent,,, even when they were in the lounge or next to me,,, he,,he,, he,, what an amazing technology nowadays that baby like me use the cell phone to communicate…. P.s.. I don’t like baby phone anyway,,,,

That’s my activities when I was a toddler, I think all toddler do the same as I did.
